Friday, March 16, 2012

A really great run

It's amazing how good a run can feel when sometimes they feel so bad.

Yesterday I did hill sprints with another Diva and it was tough and when I reached the top of the hill, I could barely breathe and I felt like I would barf at one point, but I suppose that's the goal. My trainer, and yes, I realized this morning that I can actually say that because I do pay someone to tell me what to do regarding activity, has set up this scary but amazing plan to get us ready for Reach the Beach in May. Though I feel confident about the running part, despite the fact that I have the toughest leg, I appreciate that I will feel even more so having completed a plan.

But even more importantly, I feel the confidence in one way or another every single day. This morning it was that I worked the up hills because I knew no matter what they weren't as long as the Sprague Street hill we sprinted up 6 times yesterday. Last week, it was being told I looked "thin" by someone who hadn't seen me in 6 months. I am actually heavier than I had been by a couple of pounds, but I look and feel different because of boot camp.

And lately, when I lie down to read and relax before going to sleep, I nod off in mere minutes because both my body and my mind are tired. Though there are still the work stressors, as there always will be, it's nothing like I felt just 6 months ago at the last place.

As I was running along this morning, I was thinking about my last few bosses. In my last 4 jobs (in the last 6 years), my bosses have been women. They have all had their strengths and weaknesses (and yes, in some cases, I am being very kind) but I have learned something about myself from each one. Since I have moved around so much, I haven't had a formal review in 3 years, but the good news is, I am very self-reflective as we know. Unfortunately, my essential flaw is still present, though tempered for sure since 2009. I have a strong personality and some times it just pisses people off. I try to stop myself, and I am much more successful now (thank God for DRAFT folders) than I was in the past, but I am not at work to be liked. I am here to do my job. I think I have said that before though ; )

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Time sure flies

War wound. For the March challenge, the task is to front squat with 1/2 your own body weight, then jump on an 18" box amrap, as many times as you can starting at 1 and counting up for 10 minutes. God it was hard but it was something I never even contemplated doing so I am proud to have actually done it. The only thing I really have to show for it though is the giant bruise on my collar bone from where I rested the 65# of barbell for the total of 28 squats (7 rounds). And the burning in my quads : )

Tomorrow is the 9-mile run with the Divas. Looking forward to running with the girls again. It's been 3 weeks since I have been with the group between TIR events and the weekend in Florida. March is the month of running. 9, 10, then An Ras 5K with Divas and Seagull Six with TIR.