When LC and I were in Phoenix last January because I said I wanted to see if I could qualify, the night before the marathon, we went and checked out the finish and then had dinner. Today, I was with KEP as we checked out the finish—one I know SO well. This was a great weekend in general as I got to see so many friends from so many places ... the Children's team, TIRs, old work buddies. It's been wonderful.
I am looking forward to tomorrow for so many reasons. I am going to enjoy and savor every moment, because as I have been saying all weekend, this is my last marathon, unless as PK and I agreed, I am volunteering to be a guide for someone so that I won't have to train to actually "compete". I look forward to the following things:
1. Being at the start line with the Children's team ... the Masonic lodge where we get to hang out is RIGHT there.
2. Seeing the TIRs at mile 4.1 as I turn the corner and try to move a little faster after conserving my energy for the first miles of downhills
3. Finding Emma and Sally and their Dads at Mile 15ish in front of St. Paul's church in Wellesley.
4. Killing the hills, or at least not dying on them, since the good news is, I only have to go out, not back like we did in practice all those times during the winter
5. Hitting BC and knowing that I can make it to the finish because I know that road like the back of my hand
6. Coming into Kenmore after seeing Bill at the Dana Farber stop and passing by UNO and leaving it in the dust
7. Seeing the girls and their signs at the corner of Commonwealth and Hereford and then taking a right on Hereford
8. Hoping that Emma will get her princess spot again on Boylston where I take a left to see the finish line
9. Enjoying the cheers and the excitement down Boylston Street and finally
10. Crossing the finish line and having Marathon Photo actually capture it this time!!
It's going to be a great day ... no matter how fast I go. Time is not all that matters in this. Life is what matters.
And to my friends the Nasers, thank you for allowing me to do this in Sally's name. I have learned so much. And as an "old lady", I don't get to say that very often.
See you on the other side.