Sunday, September 5, 2010

Summer is officially over

And what a couple of months it's been. I can't believe Labor Day is tomorrow.

July and August went by really quickly. Emma spent two weeks in VA with her cousins and my Aunt and Uncle's house. Camp Grampy was a huge success for all involved and helped Emma be much happier and DCH Day camp for the rest of the time.

I spent most of the summer torturing myself over my very boring job. I am hoping in the next week this will change, but I don't want to jinx it. I wish I could be one of those people who just accepts things, but I can't. I always want more.

I am doing my first (and hopefully last) Sprint Triathlon next Sunday. Swimming is not my friend and I am going with the less is more approach at this point. I know I should rent a wet suit, but the concept of zipping myself into neoprene is more scary than swimming 1/4 mile in the Hopkinton Reservoir. If I live to blog about it, you will hear more next week.

It's been a great summer ... Red Sox games, sushi class, travels to Virginia, Camden, ME to see karen and Stephen, and then to New Orleans, LA to drink and take photos ... mission accomplished. Now that it's September, there will be soccer games, running events, and I hope many other things.

Yesterday, I helped my running club run a blood drive in honor of a neighbor's 10 year old daughter who has cancer. I saw photos at a museum in New Orleans about the victims of Katrina five years ago and cried. I am a lucky lucky woman ... and at 45 years old, I truly know what that means.