10 years ago I gave birth to my darling daughter. She was 9 pounds and 6 ounces and weighs in now at a whopping 52 pounds! She's talented (was an Oompa Loompa last year in Willy Wonka), smart (highly proficient on her MCAS) and funny like you wouldn't believe and I take very little credit for all that. Since she was born, a lot has happened: got a divorce; said goodbye to my Dad; got a tattoo; got a job; lost 60 pounds; ran a marathon; got a boyfriend or two; lost a boyfriend or two; watched as my Mom got a new kidney; traveled for work; traveled for fun; gained friends; lost friends and generally just lived life.
Right now I am celebrating Happy September. Came back from the Bahamas on the 1st and decided I was sick of being cranky. I certainly have moments still, but generally as some of my co-workers can attest, my attitude has changed. I am now torturing people with smiles and laughter and saying yes instead of frowns, bitching and saying no automatically. I look forward to "Outrageous October".