Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Movie, another barf session

Fortunately, unlike when we went to see the Hannah Montana movie, this was on the way home and I was able to stop the car for Emma to get out and get sick on the side of the road. Unfortunately for both of us, she had drunk a blue slushee during Night of the Museum II, Battle at the Smithsonian, so we left some very green stuff by the side of Route 1 today.

It's Memorial Day, gorgeous and I have had a delightful 4 day weekend as summer Fridays started on the 22nd. One of the few perks left at work these days, but a good one none-the-less. I was planning on golfing to prep for the Handikids fundraiser in July, but we decided to sit on the deck, drink beers, and watch other people golf. It was very entertaining and a lot less work which is what a day off should be. Saturday I organized a reprint job from a wedding I shot almost 5 years ago, but also received the $500 check which made it all worth while. Yesterday, I ran the Boston Run to Remember 1/2 Marathon. Now that I have sworn off marathons, ha ha, I think the half is a great distance. I set my PR of 1:46:12 beating my time in February by 10 seconds. Wahoo! I was surprised to have done so well since it got hot out on Memorial Drive.

So much to say ... so little time. The story of my life.